Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ahh one of those days.

Waking up to a rainy, dreary Tuesday morning naturally I grabbed my camera, dog and a rain coat and headed to the beach. Trevor Hall playing on the drive there, windows down and rain drops spilling in.


| Much love |

Friday, July 19, 2013

Hey all!

Today on the blog I've decided to send a shout out to a fellow photographer, friend, and Colorado lover-Meg Heriot. I have the awesome opportunity to assist Meg on a couple of weddings coming up and last weekend was the first! Keep in mind this iron woman of a photographer was fighting Vertigo the entire day, but still managed to keep up with all of the hustle and bustle with no complaints, wearing a smile the whole time. You can really tell she LOVES her job, and everyone around feeds off of her almost-tangible energy, it's awesome to be around.

I am super excited for what is to come and even more excited to be doing it with someone who is 'stupid' cool! :)

Go on over and give Meg some love by checking out her killer photography at

ALSO, check out this snap of Meg doin her thing!! YOU rock miss!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Greetings Friends! It's been a little while. 

A chapter has closed since my last blogging adventure and another has opened! So many different emotions play through my head as I remember this last year and think about all that is possible. It's a whirlwind. And, here on this blog you can follow me through it! I can't wait for what is ahead.

A very good friend of mine joined me on a little adventure to a beach in the adorable, summer town of Narragansett, Rhode Island yesterday where I took out for the first time my very own Canon 5D Mark III. The giddiness I felt as I stepped out of my car into the salty, sea breeze was almost comical. It reminded me of that feeling you get when you are a kid on Christmas Eve with all the anticipation of what tomorrow morning may bring. I wanted to capture everything right then; my feet could not go quick enough. What a beautiful feeling! It will never get old...here's a snap that stuck out to me from yesterday! You can see the world further than your eye can normally see through one of these...what a cool thought.
| Much love |

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I Heart Faces | Wind Challenge

Last weekend I had the pleasure of having some wind join in on my shoot with this beautiful little lady...I happened upon a photo challenge by http://www.iheartfaces.com/ and decided to go for it! Go on over and check out some killer windy photos!

Photo Challenge Submission

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wow. What an incredible week I have had so far.

Going out on a whim. Being adventurous (which is a trait I did not think was in me until just this year) I bought a ticket to Colorado about a month ago for my spring break. The reasoning for this was simple at first-I wanted to get away (across the country away) and I wanted to see family I hadn't seen in a good five years. Everything has been more than I expected. I purposefully tried not to have any expectations coming in because I've learned disappointment usually results when I do! BUT I came out to my home state and disappointment is something far from my mind. It all started with a four hour plane ride all by my lonesome for the first time. All alone. Which was absolutely fantastic.

Car rides. Car rides are usually a time where most people (like myself) can think things out and have some "me" time. But plane rides. Wooowee that is totally different. What a time to think. It is so therapeutic being that high in the sky with nothing but the sound of jet engines and the sight of puffy white clouds right next to you-almost like you can touch them. I discovered how much I do love traveling, you discover so much not only about the people you meet along the way, but mostly yourself! You're constantly out of your comfort zone. Not knowing anyone and not knowing the places you'll be going to. I've found that I love that feeling!

BIG news. I will be turning 19 tomorrow!! WOAH time flies. Always have to enjoy and soak in every minute of every day is a thought that keeps coming into my head these last few days. I've come to see that that is so important.

| Much love |

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"hold your own,
know your name,
and go your own way
and everything will be fine"

What a perfect way to start or end any day with those kinds of words in your head. I woke up this morning, jumped in my car and those words were exactly what I heard coming from none other than Jason Mraz through my speakers. On my seven minute drive to photography school I was given a little gift of reassurance just in those few minutes.

I do not know where this passion I have will take me, but I think that is the most exciting thing about it. Literally anything can happen. The world is my oyster. That makes me the most excited. Who knows where I'll be in the next few years-where this "dream" is going to take me or who it will take me to...what a great thought.

| Much love |

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sitting here in the little pastry shop by the name of “La Fiorentina” I am nothing less than completely content. What a nice environment this is…music playing in my ears, a family’s chatter, and an Italian man’s voice ordering his pastry. Heaven in a Tuesday Night.

Next to me is my mint tea and chocolate covered cannoli. And I'm sitting here typing this on my brand spankin new MacBook Pro thanks to my beautiful and wonderful parents. I am so blessed. I have said that more than once today. I am blessed with the friends I have, my family, the crazy photography school I go to and the people I meet along the way. Blessed. 

Friends. They are priceless. I have my fair share of quality friends. They are superb people. The best kind. They love and will never leave your side. They will go out into the freezing cold and model for you. They will travel an hour and a half to model for you. They will let you put chalk and paint on their face for a simple picture. They will reassure you each time you need it. They will give you a shoulder to lean on and cry on more than once. They are the best kind of people. They will sing Trevor Hall at the top of their lungs with you, they are the kind of people you want to surround yourself with. Beautiful people.

Family. I cannot describe them in words. I have parents that will do literally anything for me. It’s almost too much sometimes-I will repay them someday with making something of myself. I will go after me. I will go after God. I will go after His plan for me. No matter who I meet along the way, no matter what kind of impact they have on me I will keep that in mind. I will follow my passion and my dream. My one sibling, my big brother is the kind of person who challenges me probably more than he thinks. We are so different but so alike. We get each other. His determination to do what he loves is something I think about daily.

“Ciao, Buenos Dias” was a genuine goodbye I just heard. That is how I want to be. I want to meet as many people as I can in this life. And I think I've discovered I'm okay with being alone while I do it. I think it’s necessary for me right now. Oh I’ve had my downs through the last few months. But this. This day. This night. This is me. This is life. I’ve found my MoJo. I found my MoJo in NoHo.

Much love~